My new book is here
Good Things Are Supposed to happen to you

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In my book I teach you how to reprogram your mind to work for you and not against you; how to think and live straight with great faith by the Law of Persistence.
Buy my book and learn the difference between knowledge and wisdom; how to use your mind and “Inner-Chi” (energy) to add value to this world. Good Things Are Supposed To Happen To You!
Do you believe that? I promise after reading my book, you will realize and fulfill your life purpose - if you truly want your results thus far to change! Question is, how badly do you want change? Maybe you know someone else who needs to learn this knowledge on how to change their life?
You can make a difference in your life and theirs by ordering Good Things Are Supposed To Happen To You, Today!
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"I met Joey Noone a few years ago at the Italian American Sports Hall of Fame banquet in Malden, Massachusetts. We talked about a variety of things: his very funny and entertaining Las Vegas style stage show - JOEY VOICES, comprised of comedy singing impersonations of numerous celebrity voices. We also talked about the Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics and Bruins, and how life has been very good to both of us.
Somehow, we got onto the subject of faith and realized that we had quite a bit in common. Joey mentioned that his Christian faith changed his life completely, and I told him how it also changed mine many years ago, when our family needed the Lord to get us through a very tough physical and emotional time in our lives.
This book can change your life. The chapters about transforming our minds and truly believing that we can achieve our dreams and fulfill our needs applies to every one of us.

Joey uses himself as an example of how his commitment to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior through Scripture got him on the correct path in his life. If you are living in darkness, and need the true light of life, this book is a Godsend.
Joey Voices is his stage name, but it is very appropriate that he is recognized with that name in this book as well, because Joey Noone is the “voice” of his Christian faith when it comes down to getting the word of the Lord out. I am honored to help share this WORD."
Rico Petrocelli
Boston Red Sox Hall of Famer (1963, 65-76)